I recently had the opportunity to use Song School Latin by Classical Academic Press. My children’s exposure to foreign language has been mostly in Spanish, as that is the foreign language I studied in high school and college. Therefore, we weren’t sure how easy or difficult this would be, but nonetheless decided to pursue learning something about the Latin language with determination.
Although Song School Latin is meant for younger children, my children (the oldest three are 14, 12 and 11 and the youngest is two) really enjoyed it. We received the Song School Latin bundle which is comprised of the student workbook with cd, a teacher’s book and Latin MonkeyMatch Flashcards. We perused the student workbook and teacher’s book when we first received the materials and found them to be of great quality! The colorful illustrations, sturdy design and cd made us want to delve into the Latin language right away! The exercises were fun and the explanations were helpful. I quickly discovered that this program would require teacher assistance as opposed to the children being able to work independently. But, as I said earlier, this was our first exposure to the Latin language, so I was not surprised by this. We found the cd and the Latin Monkey Match flashcards to be a big plus to the Song School Latin program. We were able to use the cd at home as well as in the car, and the flash cards were easy to use at home or on the go as well. The music on the cd was very enjoyable and made the concept of learning quite fun for everyone.
If you are looking for a foreign language curriculum I would encourage you to visit the Classical Academic Press website and take a look at their products. You can view Song School Latin and many other options at classicalacademicpress.com. There you will find useful explanations and samples of their products. You will also find additional product information, such as pricing, a catalog and some free resources. This particular set was priced at $64.95, but there are other Classical Academic Press products that you may want to consider depending on the ages of your children and other needs. Good luck in your homeschooling adventures!
This product was given to me for the purpose of review. I did not receive any compensation for doing so.
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