Friday, September 10, 2010

Math Essentials Review

My family had the opportunity to try out and review Math Essentials.  Found at the web address,  Math Essentials is a good addition to your homeschool curriculum.  The user can access many written exercises  for basic math through algebra.  There is an interactive feature as well, where the invisible tutor demonstrates the steps to solving a large variety of math problems while talking through the solution process.
We immediately jumped at the chance to try out Math Essentials and began using it as soon as our homeschool began this year.  All three of my children (who are in grades 5, 6 and 8) used the website tools and found them to be very helpful.  Although getting started was a little difficult, once each of them got used to the website's features, they found it had many uses.  We were able to use the demonstrations as reviews for previous math skills already learned, as well as to help with learning new skills.  Having the math tutor demonstrate the steps as he talks the student through the process was helpful, as were the corresponding math worksheets.  So many options, and so little time!  What  time we did get the privilege of using Math Essentials was well worth it.
I would recommend Math Essentials to those who need a supplement to their current math curriculum.  It would also work well for a student who is able to stay on task and work well independently.  My oldest child had some difficulty with staying attentive while observing the math demonstrations, but did well when I sat with him and watched the short clips.  He benefited from using the website as a tool for review as well as to learn new math skills.
If you are interested in Math Essentials, you should check out their website mentioned earlier, at  For $195.00, you will receive a one year subscription to the website along with the worksheets and other helpful features.  Good luck in your homeschool adventures and enjoy Math Essentials!

I was not compensated for this review.

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